One of the best delicacies that Canada has to offer is Tim Hortons, while many of us have our own opinions of the place, and the decline of quality that has happened through the years, there are a few things that you have come to accept, 1. A long line up in the drive through, 2. The double double the co worker is going to treat you with, and the demand for an ice cap!
This is a very simple and easy recipe, just takes some time to do.
- Make some coffee, use your favorite blend, let it brew and when its done brewing take 3 cups out of the maker and let it cool, (Tip if its winter let it sit outside to cool down.)
- Put the coffee in a blender.
- Add a few spoons of brown sugar (Or stevia, we use a diabetic friendly type of brown sugar)
- Add the normal amount of coffee cream that you would use in 3 cups of coffee (this is you have left overs if you want only 1 cup of an Ice Cap just reduce it by a 3rd.)
- Lastly add 1 tray of ice cubes.
- Blend that up until you have a good consistency, pour into a cup and serve.
- Optional you can add some whip cream and drizzle some chocolate over it, I know my wife would love this more but she is diabetic like me so, the answer was no.
Its that easy, and simple, and this is a Canadian delicacy and its an amazing taste.