Homemade Dill Mustard Pickles

Pickles are awesome, they taste amazing, as a side, or something to put on your burgers, and they are super simple and easy to make, and best of all, it is cheaper than buying them! Why pay tons of money at the store when you can make them yourself and have them taste better!

Phase 1. The Brine.

3 cups of vinegar
2 spoons of brown sugar
Stir it up
After its done simmering for 5 minutes, take off the heat and let it cool.

Phase 2. Prep and Ingredients.

Cucumbers – Cut up the way you want your pickles to look!
3 cloves of garlic minced
Fresh dill
Mustard seed

Phase 3. Stuff the Containers!

Put some dill leaves on the bottom
Dump some dill seed on top
Put some garlic
Fill your container half way with cucumbers
Put more dill
Put more mustard seed
Place more garlic
Put more cucumbers in
The rest of the dill
Put more mustard seed
Put the rest of the garlic

Phase 4. Finish it Up.

Once the brine is totally cooled off fill your containers.

Put this in your fridge for 7 days and your done and ready to snack!

And thats all it basically is, for the most part you can get most of these ingredients super cheap and easy, and who doesn’t like homemade, it is always better!

Turkey Burger!

This is our homemade turkey burger, it has an amazing taste, and very flavorful, and yet so easy to make and this will be one of your families favorite go to burgers! We are sure you are going to enjoy this! Best part you don’t need an egg, nor do you need any bread crumbs to make this stay together!

Phase 1 Patty Time

In a bowl mix in the following

1 pound of ground turkey
Worcestershire sauce
Sweet soya sauce
Liquid smoke
Smoked Paprika
Maple Bacon spice
Fresh Black Pepper
Onion Powder
Lo-Salt (or No Salt)

Take your time and mix this with clean hands until everything has been mixed in properly and then this should make 3 patties.

Set the patties in the freezer for at least 15 to 30 minutes to firm up.

Phase 2 Lets get saucy!

In a bowl mix the following.

Apple Cyder Vinegar
Sweet Thai Chili sauce
Mix this very well.

Phase 3 Lets get cooking

Cook the burgers on the stove top with some oil until the burgers are completely cooked, you don’t want to food poison anyone!

Phase 4 Putting things together!

You want to serve this with a nice bun, using some lettuce, cheese, onion and your done!

We hope you enjoy this, we really love this burger, and yes we do like our beef and all, but we need something new every now and again, and this is 100% worth it!

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