Mac & Cheese

In Canada growing up, one of the most popular meals you would look forward to was Kraft Dinner, to our neighbors to the south they would just simply call it Mac and Cheese, making this homemade is so much better, and tastes sooooo amazing, its worth the time and effort we promise!

Phase 1 Noodles.

You can use what ever noodles you want, its your choice, make one you feel a sauce will stick to rather easily, make them as per its directions.

When the noodles are all cooked drain them, don’t rinse them, this will make the sauce incredibly hard to stick to, and you want it sticky so leave that noodle starch on.

Phase 2 Making a Rue.

So in another pot you want to add some margarine, or butter, its your choice butter is a better choice, but we understand butter can be super expensive, and also not always something you have available.

You then want to add some flour, maybe half a cup and mix it to add it into the butter and make sure you get this well mixed or your going to wind up with clumps of flour in your mouth, it doesn’t taste good, I can promise you!

Add in 2 cans of coconut milk and stir that around.

Now take 2 types of cheese, maybe half a block of 2 cheeses, choose the cheese you like and start to slowly add it in and stir it, (You need to constantly stir this or it will burn) add more cheese after what you added has melted in and keep doing this until all your cheese is incorporated.

Taste your sauce make sure it tastes the way you want it, you may have to add more cheese in.

When its finished pour it into the noodles, and stir it well, the only other thing you may want to add is fresh cracked pepper, but honestly it should be good enough!

We hope you like this, you can ask around, many people will say Kraft Dinner is Crap Dinner, but they will all love Homemade Mac and Cheese! We hope you do too.