Big Macs are awesome, however the real version has a lot of sugar in it, and the patties are too thin, and honestly I think if we make it ourselves it will be so much better, and honestly this turned out so amazing my wife and Alex won’t stop begging me to make it again and its only been a few days!
Phase 1 The Sauce
About 1 cup of mayo – Do not us e miracle whip, its garbage, best if you can mayo with olive oil.
A few drops of apple cyder vinegar
A few spoons of sweet hotdog relish (If you don’t have that you can use a sweet pickled cut up idealy in a food processor first.)
A few squirts of a nice BBQ Sauce
Do not add ketsup! (too much sugar)
Add some Smoked Paprika
Garlic Powder
Onion Powder
Mix it up really good
Phase 2 The Beef
Make some skinny burgers, you do want to fold this into a taco later, so you don’t want a super thick burger patty
And then cook your patties, maybe a bit of pepper but not much else.
Put some cheese on the top when you flip it once until it melts.
Phase 3 Putting it together
You can use a taco shell soft or hard, or you can get a tortilla shell
Put your patty in the taco
Pour some sauce into it
Have some chopped onion on it
Then some chopped lettuce
Maybe some more sauce
This is best served with some French fries, but its your choice!
We hope you like this, it is definitely one of our favorites, tastes great and best yet its super healthy, and you can use chicken or pork if you like, we have a room mate who won’t eat beef or pork, so we made hers from chicken, and wow it was awesome!